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Exercise motivation, eating, and body Image variables as predictors of weight control.
Teixeira P. J., Going S. B., Houtkooper L. B., Cussler E. C., Metcalfe L. L., Blew R. M., Sardinha L. B. & T. G. Lohman. (2006). Exercise motivation, eating, and body Image variables as predictors of weight control. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38:179-188.
A review of psychosocial pretreatment predictors of weight control.
Teixeira P. J., Going S. B., Sardinha L. B., & Lohman T. G. (2005). A review of psychosocial pretreatment predictors of weight control. Obesity Reviews, 6:43-65.
Environmental and psychosocial correlates of physical activity in Portuguese and Belgian adults.
De Bourdeaudhuij I., Teixeira P. J., Cardon G., & Deforche B. (2005). Environmental and psychosocial correlates of physical activity in Portuguese and Belgian adults. Public Health Nutrition, 8:886-895.
Psychometric evaluation of a Portuguese version of the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite (IWQOL-Lite) questionnaire.
Engel S. G., Kolotkin R. L., Teixeira P. J., Sardinha L. B., Vieira P. N., Palmeira A. P., & Crosby R. D. (2005) Psychometric evaluation of a Portuguese version of the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite (IWQOL-Lite) questionnaire. European Eating Disorders Review, 13:133-143.
Who will lose weight? A reexamination of predictors of weight loss in women.
Teixeira P. J., Palmeira A. L., Branco T. L., Martins S. S., Minderico C. S., Barata J. T., Silva A. M., & Sardinha L. B. (2004) Who will lose weight? A reexamination of predictors of weight loss in women. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 1:12.
Pretreatment predictors of attrition and successful weight management in women
Teixeira P. J., Going S. B., Houtkooper L. B., Cussler E. C., Metcalfe L. L., Blew R. M., Sardinha L. B. & T. G. Lohman. (2004) Pretreatment predictors of attrition and successful weight management in women. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, 28:1124-1133.
Weight loss readiness in middle-aged women: Psychosocial predictors of success for behavioral weight reduction.
Teixeira P. J., Going S. B., Houtkooper L. B., Martin C. J., Metcalfe L. L., Cussler E. C., Finkenthal N. R., Blew R. M., Sardinha L. B., & Lohman, T. G. (2002) Weight loss readiness in middle-aged women: Psychosocial predictors of success for behavioral weight reduction. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 25:499-523.
Silva MN, Santos TC, Coutinho SR, Marcelino MS, Vieira PN, Tomás RA, Carraça EC, Minderico CS, Sardinha LB, Teixeira PJ. (2008). O Programa "PESO COMUNITÁRIO". Revista de Informação e Divulgação Científica do NDCA 5(11):1-12.
Programa PESO - Promoção do Exercício e Saúde na Obesidade: Metodologia e Descrição da Intervenção
Silva MN, Teixeira PJ, Vieira PN, Minderico CS, Castro M, Coutinho S, Carraça E, Marcelino M, Santos T, Sardinha LB. (2007). Programa P.E.S.O. - Promoção do Exercício e Saúde na Obesidade: Metodologia e Descrição da Intervenção. Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Obesidade, 1(1): 17-28.
25 Razões para fazer exercício
Teixeira PJ. (2006). 25 Razões para fazer exercício. PSI Actual, p.107-110.