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Pedro Teixeira at the Conference on Team Sports: Health and Performance
On April 27th, the Conference on Team Sports: Health and Performance took place in ISMAI, Maia. Pedro Teixeira presented the lecture "The European Project EuroFIT: the Supporter Trains and the Club (FCP, SLB and SCP) Supports".
Life&Style Collaboration
FMH has recently resumed a regular collaboration with the online version of newspaper PĂBLICO (Life&Style section). The articles, written by PANO members, are mostly focused on behavioral issues in obesity, physical activity, diet, and health.
FC Porto, Sporting CP, and SL Benfica signed formal partnership agreements with FMH
In a public event on May 21, FC Porto, Sporting CP, and SL Benfica signed formal partnership agreements with FMH. Prof. Pedro Teixeira gave a presentation about the project to an audience that included researchers, government and sporting officials, former athletes, and FMH staff and students. The three clubs will deliver the EuroFIT programme on their stadia starting in October 2015.
PANO at the XIV Congress of Nutrition and Food
PANO was represented at the XIV Congress of Nutrition and Food (Portuguese Nutritionists Association) in Lisbon (May 21-22). Hugo Pereira presented a talk intitled "The role of exercise in weight management" in the context of nutrition and physical activity.
Marlene N. Silva in a Symposium at the Portuguese Foundation of Cardiology
On May 29, Marlene Silva participated in a Symposium titled "Heart diseases and lifestyles", promoted by the Portuguese Foundation of Cardiology.
Training on "Health Behavior Change"
Between April and May, Marta Marques and Pedro Teixeira participated as invited speakers in a training on "Health Behavior Change" in the context of the initiative "Live it UP!" promoted by the Public Health Department of the National Association of Medicine Students (ANEM). More information HERE.
PANO at the 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Between June 3-6, PANO researchers participated in the 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity in Edinburgh, Scotland. More information about the event HERE.
Pedro Teixeira inducted as fellow of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
On the 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), Pedro Teixeira was inducted as Fellow of ISBNPA. ISBNPA Fellows are elected by the Executive Committee and are ISBNPA members who have achieved noteworthy accomplishments for the Society.
Motivation and Self-Regulation in Physical Activity, Eating, and Weight Management
Marta Marques also gave a seminar on "Motivation and Self-Regulation in Physical Activity, Eating, and Weight Management" hosted by the Health Behaviour Change Research Group, School of Psychology, NUI Galway, on June 10th.
H2020 NoHoW Project
On June 9th, Marta Marques presented the H2020 NoHoW Project, at the mHealth Conference in Galway, Ireland. The conference looked at behavioural science and mobile technology.