
Psychedelics and Health Behavior Change

Psychedelics and Health Behavior Change

Psychedelic Experiences, Physical Health and Health Behavior Change. More info HERE.

Principal Investigator: Pedro J. Teixeira, Ph.D.

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RIAP - Repositório de Instrumentos de Avaliação Psicossocial

RIAP - Repositório de Instrumentos de Avaliação Psicossocial

An Open-Access Repository of Self-Regulation Measures for Exercise, Eating, and Weight Control

FCT / Portuguese Government, Science and Technology Foundation PTDC/DES/122395/2010; 98.684€

Principal Investigator: Pedro J. Teixeira, Ph.D.

visit project webpage

RNCP - Registo Nacional de Controlo do Peso

RNCP - Registo Nacional de Controlo do Peso

The Portuguese National Weight Control Registry The Role of Physical Activity in Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance

FCT / Portuguese Government, Science and Technology Foundation PTDC/DES/72317/2006, 2008-2011; 119.400€

Principal Investigator: Pedro J. Teixeira, Ph.D.

visit project webpage

Completed Projects



Evidence-based ICT Tools for Weight Loss Maintenance

European Commission H2020-PHC-2014 SEP-210140063; 4.949.337€ 

Principal Investigator: Berit Heitmann, Ph.D.

visit project webpage



Social Innovation to Improve Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Through Elite European Football Clubs: European Fans in Training

European Commission FP7-HEALTH.2013.3.3-1-GA602170; 5.957.168€ 

Principal Investigator: Sally Wyke, Ph.D.

visit project webpage



Sustainable Prevention of Obesity Through Integrated Strategies European Commission

FP7-HEALTH-2011-GA278186-1-2010; 2.997.658€

Principal Investigator: Johannes Brug, Ph.D.

visit project webpage

IAN-AF - Inquérito Alimentar Nacional e de Atividade Física

IAN-AF - Inquérito Alimentar Nacional e de Atividade Física

The National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey EEA-Grants Program

Public Health Initiatives; 835.357,47€

Principal Investigator: Carla Lopes, Ph.D.

visit project webpage


EUROBESE: Ethics and the Obesity and Overweight Epidemic: Image, Culture, Technologies and Interventions

European Commission FP6 SAS6-CT-2005-016646, 2005-2009; 800.000€

Principal InvestigatorInez de Beaufort, Ph.D.

The PILOT Study

The PILOT Study: Profile-based, Internet-Linked Obesity Trial

NIH, National Institutes for Health (R01 DK57453). 1999-2001; USD $537.977

Principal Investigator: Scott B. Going, Ph.D.

MEMO Intermational

MEMO International: Mediating and Moderating Variable Analysis in Energy Balance Behaviours Change Interventions - An International Collaboration

European Commission (Marie Curie Action), FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES-CT-2010-247630, 2010-2012; 57.600€

Coordinator: Saskia de Velde, Ph.D.

Physical Activity and the Self-regulation of Eating Behavior and Body Weight

Physical Activity and the Self-regulation of Eating Behavior and Body Weight

FCT /  Portuguese Government, Science and Technology Foundation PTDC/DES/114867/2009; 103.000€

Principal Investigator: Pedro J. Teixeira, Ph.D.