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Anna Wasserkampf. Short- and Long-Term Theory-Based Predictors of Physical Activity in Previously Overweight Women. Maastricht: Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences [Master, 2012].

Tuesday, 20 December 2016 14:33

Catarina Silva

Catarina Santos Silva is a PhD student in Physical Activity and Health speciality at the Faculty of Human Kinetics, University of Lisbon. She is implementing the project “Physical Activity Promotion in Primary Health Care of the Portuguese National Health Service”, within a pilot project coordinated by the Portuguese Directorate-General of Health, through an individual doctoral scholarship financed by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation. Her current research focuses on the effectiveness of “real world” public health interventions to promote physical activity, particularly on the study of implementation determinants (barriers and facilitators) of such interventions. As a researcher, her path has been highlighted by her participation in several international research projects, funded by the European Commission (EuroFIT, NoHow, EUPAP), regarding the promotion of health behaviours (healthy eating and physical activity). She is a certified nutritionist, holding a master’s degree in High-Performance Training.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016 14:25

Inês Santos

Inês Santos is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, and at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Lusófona University, and a researcher at the Research Center in Sports, Physical Education, Exercise and Health (CIDEFES), Lusófona University, and a collaborator at the Self-Regulation in Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity (PANO-SR) Research Group, Faculty of Human Kinetics, University of Lisbon. She holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in Dietetics and Nutrition, and a PhD in Physical Activity and Health. She has developed expertise in the area of self-regulation of weight loss maintenance and energy balance-related behaviours (physical activity and eating habits/behaviours). Additionally, her work has contributed to a better understanding of the epidemiology of weight loss attempts in adults across the world. She authored more than 30 international peer-reviewed articles and contributed to more than 40 abstracts/presentations in scientific conferences (Scopus h-index of 9). She has been an investigator in several National and EU projects. Recently, she was the operations coordinator of the NoHoW trial in Portugal (H2020-PHC-2014 SEP-210140063), a multi-centre 2x2 factorial randomised controlled trial investigating an evidence-based digital toolkit for weight loss maintenance in European adults. Currently, she is the coordinator of the Portuguese Weight Control Registry, an ongoing voluntary registry of Portuguese successful weight loss maintainers, and a collaborating partner of the International Weight Control Registry, a multi-centre research project developed to study individuals who succeeded in long-term weight management across the world. Since 2018 she integrates the Communications Committee of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), which is the premier international society for nutrition and physical activity research. In 2019 she was elected Early Career Representative and in 2021 Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee of the ISBNPA.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016 14:22

Marta Marques

I am a Senior Researcher at the Comprehensive Health Research Centre, NOVA Medical School, and I am a visiting research fellow at Trinity College Dublin and Centre for Behaviour Change, University College London. I am a member of the Portuguese Behavioral Science COVID-19 Task Force, and of the Executive Committee of the European Health Psychology Society. Before this position, I was a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at Trinity College Dublin. I obtained my PhD in Health Psychology from Leiden University, and I am a chartered clinical and health psychologist. My achievements have been recognised by two very prestigious international early career awards from the European Health Psychology Society and International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, as well as by invitations to join important expert commissions, such as the leading team responsible for developing the WHO global digital program for physical activity (B@Healthy B@Mobile mActive). My research focuses on applying health behaviour change theories to develop and evaluate complex digital interventions targeting a range of health behaviours (e.g. physical activity), and in advancing the methods for the development of the science of behaviour change.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016 14:20

António Palmeira

Dr. Palmeira is an Associate Professor at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, in Lisbon, Portugal. He has a multidisciplinary academic background, with Physical Education and Sport (BSc), Sport Psychology (MSc), and Exercise and Health (PhD) degrees, all from the Faculty of Human Movement, Technical University of Lisbon. At the Universidade Lusófona he is Coordinator of the Center for Studies in Exercise and Health since 2005 and the Director of the Masters Program in Exercise and Well-Being.

Behavior change in obesity treatment is his major focus of research. He began looking at the predictive power of several behavior change theories , and now he is narrowing his focus to the role of treatment changes in subjective well-being and body image variables as potential predictors of long-term weight loss. He presents his work regularly at ISBNPA, NAASO/The Obesity Society and in Sport and Exercise Psychology conferences. He has won a national prize as a young investigator in sport sciences and the work developed with his master thesis toped 2nd place at the European Young Investigator Award from the European Federation of Sport and Exercise Psychology.

Presently his focus is on the exercise role on adolescent’s obesity. He works in the TOP project (Treatment of Pediatric Obesity - Tratamento da Obesidade Pediátrica) with the Obese Adolescent Consult at the Hospital de Santa Maria, which received a funding from the Portuguese Science Foundation for 2010-2013.

He is the Vide-President of the Portuguese Society of Sport Psychology (SPPD), participated actively at the formation of the European Network of Young Specialist in Sport Psychology (ENYSSP) and he is one of the Portuguese delegates of SPPD in the international sport psychology institutions. He is also an International Affiliate of the American Psychological Association (since 1996), a member of NAASO/The Obesity Society (since 2001) and ISBNPA (since 2004), as well as several Portuguese associations related with the study of health behavior. He has been in the organizing committee of several international and national conferences in the field of sport and exercise psychology and obesity.

He was the chair of the organizing committee for the Satellite Symposium of the ISBNPA 2009 meeting, held in Sintra on June 21-23, 2009, and he is currently responsible for producing the ISBNPA newsletter, as member of the ISBNPA Communications Committee.

He is 41 years old and a father of two children, aged 10 and 8 years old.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016 14:08

Eliana V. Carraça

Eliana V. Carraça is a Research Associate at Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, and a guest Professor at Faculdade de Educação Física e Desporto, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisboa, Portugal. She is a clinical exercise physiologist, with a master in exercise and health, and received her PhD in Health and Fitness in 2012. She has also received a Best Master Student award in 2009. Her research revolves around the field of motivational, self-regulatory and behavioral predictors of physical activity, eating behavior and weight management. She is especially interested in the interplay and cross-behavioral regulation between physical activity and eating-self regulation, especially at the mechanistic level. She explores the mediating role of motivational dynamics (based on self-determination theory) and potential interactions with other psychological and non-psychological factors that might contribute to physical activity/exercise function as a gateway behavior for healthy eating. Additionally, she has been involved in the design of health behavior change interventions applying self-determination theory (in overweight/obese women and recreational runners). She has published 24 international peer-reviewed articles (h-index 11; 1356 citations), and was a co-author of 4 international and 2 national book chapters. She is currently the co-coordinator of KoR (Keep on Running) national project, a digital (brief) intervention study designed to increase sustained adherence to recreational running in a naturalistic environment. In the past, she has participated in the SPOTLIGHT project, funded by the European Commission (FP7), and in several FCT-funded projects (the PESO Study, the “Physical Activity and the Self-Regulation of Eating Behavior and Body Weight” project, the Open-Access Repository of Self-Regulation Measures for Exercise, Eating, and Weight Control).
Tuesday, 20 December 2016 13:21

Marlene N. Silva

Marlene Nunes Silva is the the Director of the National Programme for Physical Activity Promotion of the Portuguese Directorate-General of Health. She is also a professor and researcher at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (FEFD-ULHT) Lisbon, with high record of international scientific publications. She has published more than 65 peer-reviewed articles (Scopus h-index 20; google Schoolar 30), and was a co-author of 4 international books Chapters and 1 national book
She is a clinical psychologist, post-graduated in health promotion, who received her PhD in Exercise and Health in 2010. In the same year, she also received a Young Investigator Award in Sports Sciences. Her research revolves around the field of motivational, self-regulatory, and behavioral predictors of physical activity and healthy lifestyles. The training of health professionals concerning motivational practices, and the development of tools in this regard are additional areas of interest.
She is the Co-PI of PAC-WOMAN (recently funded by FCT), a national project that will test a physical activity behaviour change intervention for post-menopausal breast cancer survivors. On the recent past she worked as the national coordinator of EuroFIT, an European Commission funded project (FP7), and also participated in several other European and FCT-funded projects. Other activities included the presentation of scientific results on numerous international and national scientific conferences and the organization of international symposia. She is a regular reviewer for leading international journals in her field.
Alongside her research activity, Marlene N. Silva is part of several scientific boards such as the doctoral program in Exercise and Health at ULHT University; Advisory board for the development of the national Health Plan 2020-2030; Invited Expert for the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Handbook for mActive, amongst others
She served as supervisor and co-supervisor of several master and PhD theses (1 with an FCT grant). She participates regularly as a discussant in PhD theses committees. She was a co-author of multiple student handbooks and technical reports.
She is also a certified trainer in Health Behaviour Change (CCPFC/RFO-24239/08), who develops, applies and assesses training programs for health and exercise professionals working in health behaviour change. She has been involved in multiple community extension activities (e.g., communitarian health programs at the university, health care units, and football clubs) and knowledge translation activities for the general public (e.g. via regular collaboration with national media channels).

Tuesday, 20 December 2016 13:06

Pedro J. Teixeira

Pedro Teixeira is Full Professor of Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Health at the University of Lisbon, Faculty of Human Kinetics. He holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in Exercise Science, and a Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences. He is a past-president of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity and the past-president of FMH's Ethics Council for Research. Between May 2016 and January 2019, he was the director for the National Physical Activity Promotion Program at the Portuguese Ministry of Health (DGS). His main research interests are the study of determinants of physical activity, eating and weight control and the design and testing of behavior change interventions. He has published more than 100 international peer-reviewed articles and has been an investigator in several NIH and EU projects, including Eurobese, SPOTLIGHT, EuroFIT, and NoHow. He has served as Research Director for The Synthesis Institute and is the founder of the psychedelic science dissemination website

On the 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity in Ghent, Belgium, Pedro Teixeira officially started his term as President of the Society. He will oversee an Executive Committee of ten people, which also includes António Palmeira, starting a three-year term as Member-at-Large. The mission of the ISBNPA is to stimulate, promote and advocate innovative research and policy in the area of behavioral nutrition and physical activity toward the betterment of human health worldwide. More information HERE.

The PANO research group participated in the 5th International Conference on Self-Determination Theory in Rochester, between June 27-30th. With the purpose of better understanding and engaging human motivation, this conference brings together experts from across the world. Pedro Teixeira presented the keynote lecture “Self-determination theory and motivational interviewing: Where to from here?”. A workshop for healthcare professionals titled “Physical activity, eating behavior, and weight control” was offered by Pedro Teixeira, Marlene Silva, Eliana Carraça and Marta Marques. Additionally, the PoEMA (Promotion of Exercise, Motivation and Autonomy) study was first presented in a free communication by Marlene Silva. More information about this conference HERE.