Marta Antunes

Marta Antunes

Jorge Encantado. Saúde digital para a gestão de peso: Investigação dos mecanismos psicológicos baseados na teoria envolvidos no impacto de uma intervenção digital na atividade física. Lisboa: ISPA - Instituto Universitário [Ph.D., 2021] Orientação: Marta M. Marques; António L. Palmeira; Maria João Gouveia.

Jorge Encantado, researcher at the PANO-SR Research Group, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled "Digital Health for Weight loss Maintenance" on July 8th at ISPA - Instituto Universitário.

Silva, M. N., Godinho, C., Salavisa, M., Owen, K., Santos, R., Silva, C. S., Mendes, R., Teixeira, P. J., Freitas, G., & Bauman, A. (2020). “Follow the Whistle: Physical Activity Is Calling You”: Evaluation of Implementation and Impact of a Portuguese Nationwide Mass Media Campaign to Promote Physical Activity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 8062.

Turicchi, J., O'Driscoll, R., Horgan, G., Duarte, C., Santos, I., Encantado, J., Palmeira, A.L., Larsen, S.C., Olsen, J.K., Heitmann, B., Stubbs, J. (2020). Body weight variability is not associated with changes in risk factors for cardiometabolic diseaseInternational Journal of Cardiology Hypertension, doi: 10.1016/j.ijchy.2020.100045.

Larsen, S.C., Horgan, G., Mikkelsen, M-LK., Palmeira, A.L., Scott, S., Duarte, C., Santos, I., Encantado, J., O'Driscoll, R., Turicchi, J., Michalowska, J., Stubbs, J., Heitmann, B. (2020). Consistent sleep onset and maintenance of body weight after weight loss: An analysis of data from the NoHoW trial. PLoS Medicine, 17(7): e1003168.

Larsen, S.C., Horgan, G., Mikkelsen, M-LK., Palmeira, A.L., Scott, S., Duarte, C., Santos, I., Encantado, J., O'Driscoll, R., Turicchi, J., Michalowska, J., Stubbs, J., Heitmann, B. (2020). Association between objectively measured sleep duration, adiposity and weight loss history. International Journal of Obesity doi: 10.1038/s41366-020-0537-3.

Paixão C, Dias CM, Jorge R, Carraça EV, Yannakoulia M, de Zwaan M, Soini S, Hill JO, Teixeira PJ, Santos I. (2020). Successful weight loss maintenance: a systematic review of weight control registries. Obesity Reviews, 21(5):e13003.

Jorge R, Santos I, Teixeira VH, Teixeira PJ. (2019). Does diet strictness level during weekends and holiday periods influence 1-year follow-up weight loss maintenance? Evidence from the Portuguese Weight Control RegistryNutrition Journal, 18(1):3.

Jorge R, Santos I, Teixeira VH, Teixeira PJ. (2019). Does diet strictness level during weekends and holiday periods influence 1-year follow-up weight loss maintenance? Evidence from the Portuguese Weight Control Registry. Nutrition Journal, 18(1):3. 

Paixão, C., Dias, C.M., Jorge, R., Carraça, E.V., Yannakoulia, M., de Zwaan, M., Soini, S., Hill, J.O., Teixeira, P.J., Santos I. (2020). Successful weight loss maintenance: a systematic review of weight control registries. Obesity Reviews, DOI: 10.1111/obr.13003  

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