Marta Antunes

Marta Antunes

Wednesday, 06 June 2018 11:10

CIPER | Self-Regulation at ECO 2018

Between May 23-26, CIPER | Self-Regulation researchers participated in the 25th European Congress on Obesity, in Vienna, Austria. Marta Marques gave a talk on "Towards a consensus on developing the next generation of WLM interventions" at a symposium hosted by the NoHoW project. Rui Jorge presented a free communication titled "Pretreatment predictors of weight control among overweight women". More information about the conference HERE.

Teixeira D.S., Silva M.N. & Palmeira A.L. (2018). How does frustration make you feel? A motivational analysis in exercise context. Motivation and Emotion, 42:419-428. DOI:

Silva A.M., Júdice P.B., Carraça E.V., King N., Teixeira P.J. & Sardinha L.B. (2018). What is the effect of diet and/or exercise interventions on behavioural compensation in non-exercise physical activity and related energy expenditure of free-living adults? A systematic review. British Journal of Nutrition, 119:1327-1345. DOI:

Pedersen S., Sniehotta F.F., Sainsbury K., Evans E.H., Marques M.M., Stubbs R.J., Heitmann B.L. & Lahteenmaki L. (2018). The complexity of self-regulation food intake in weight loss maintenance. A qualitative study among short- and long-term weight loss maintainers. Social Science & Medicine, 208:18-24. DOI:

Sunday, 13 May 2018 22:30

EuroFIT consortium meeting at Lisbon

FMH hosted the final EuroFIT consortium meeting, that took place in Lisbon, Portugal (May 8-9). The meeting entailed work package updates, publication planning, presentations on the latest results, discussions on implementation of the project findings, and final reflections and future priorities. More information about EuroFIT HERE.

CIPER | Self-Regulation was represented at a conference on Physical Activity and Nutrition, hosted by the Odivelas City Council on April 6, the World Day for Physical Activity. Marlene N. Silva presented on Physical Activity and Hugo Pereira gave a talk on the EuroFIT project. More information about this event HERE.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018 14:48

Inês Santos at the XXVIII Nutrition Week

On April 22-23, the Scientific Conference of the XXVIII Nutrition Week of the Faculty of  Nutrition and Food Sciences (FCNAUP) took place at Museu Soares dos Reis, Oporto. Inês Santos participated with a talk titled “Motivation in weight loss and weight management”. More information about this event HERE.

Carraça E.V., Mackenbach J.D., Lakerveld J., Rutter H., Oppert J.-M., De Bourdeaudhuij I., Compernolle S., Roda C., Bardos H. & Teixeira P.J. (2018). Lack of interest in physical activity - individual and environmental attributes in adults across Europe: The SPOTLIGHT project. Preventive Medicine, 111:41-48. DOI:

Hugo Pereira and Jorge Encantado participated in the CBC Conference 2018 - Behaviour Change for Health: Digital and Beyond (London, February 21-22). Hugo Pereira presented a free communication titled "Keep on Running: Evidence-based digital intervention for the sustained adoption of recreational running." More information about this conference HERE.

Thursday, 01 March 2018 12:44


On February 19th, Marlene Silva presented on EuroFIT for the National Forum for Alcohol and Health (FNAS), hosted by SICAD, and highlighted best practices in this regard. More information HERE.

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