Marta Antunes

Marta Antunes

CIPER | Self-Regulation was represented at the 31st Conference of the EHPS that took place in Padua, Italy (August 29 – September 2). Pedro Teixeira gave a presentation on “The EuroFIT Project: Promoting Physical Activity and Reduced Sedentary Time in Football Clubs”. More information about the conference HERE.

Between July 10-14, the International Society of Sport Psychology 14th World Congress 2017 took place in Sevilla, Spain. António Palmeira and David Sánchez Oliva participated with a presentation titled “A “feel good factor” analysis of four exercise motivation profiles”. More information about the conference HERE.

Pedro Teixeira and Rita Tomás were co-Editors on a special issue of the professional journal "Factores de Risco" (Risk Factors) entirely dedicated to the topics of physical activity, exercise and health. All the articles are available for download HERE.

On July 12, CIPER | Self-Regulation researchers organized a seminar named "Football, Physical Activity and Health" at FMH-ULisboa. André Seabra (Portugal Football School; University of Porto) and João Brito (Portugal Football School) participated as invited speakers. More information about this event HERE.

Thursday, 13 July 2017 16:09

EuroFIT presented at CIOI 2017

Between July 5-8, the International Conference on Childhood Obesity took place in Lisbon. Pedro Teixeira presented the EuroFIT project (“Promoting physical activity in the land of football: It shouldn’t be too hard”). More information about the conference HERE.

Eliana Carraça gave a presentation on the importance of physical activity to the employees of the Social Services of Public Administration. The event took place in June 27, at the Consumer Directorate-General (Lisbon).

On June 15th, Marta Marques presented the H2020 NoHoW Project, at the mHealth Conference in Galway, Ireland. More information about this event HERE.

FMH researchers participated in the ACSM's 64th Annual Meeting (Denver, Colorado, May 30-June 3) and in the 16h Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, in Victoria, Canada (June 7-10). Scientific papers were presented by Marlene Silva, Pedro Teixeira, António Palmeira, and Marta Marques at both meetings. More information HERE and HERE.


Santos I., Sniehotta F., Marques M., Carraça E.V. & Teixeira P.J. (2017). Prevalence and correlates of non-surgical weight control attempts in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews, 18:32-50.

CIPER | Self-Regulation participated in the 2nd Public Health Conference, organized by the University of Lisbon on May 29. Marlene N. Silva gave a presentation on the importance of context on health promotion. More information about the conference HERE.


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