

Silva M.N. Correr por uma causa ou a causa de tantas corridas? Público: Life&Style, 28 outubro 2016.

Santos I., Silva M.N., Teixeira P.J. (2016). A self-determination theory perspective on weight loss maintenance. The European Health Psychologist, 18(5):194-199.

Friday, 27 January 2017 10:44

O direito a ser fisicamente activo.

Teixeira P.J. O direito a ser fisicamente activo. PÚBLICO: Saúde, 15 janeiro 2017.

Silva M. N., Markland D. A., Minderico C. S, Vieira P. N., Castro M. M., Coutinho S. S., Santos T. C., Matos M. M., Sardinha L. B. e Teixeira P. J. (2008). A randomized controlled trial to evaluate self-determination theory for exercise adherence and weight control: rationale and intervention description. BMC Public Health, 8:234-247.

Kolotkin R. L., Norquist J. M., Crosby R. D., Suryawanshi S., Teixeira P. J., Heymsfield S. B., Erondu N., & Nguyen A. M. (2009). One-year health-related quality of life outcomes in weight loss trial participants: comparison of three measures. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 7:53.

Mata J., Silva M.N., Vieira P.N., Carraça E.V., Andrade A.M., Coutinho S.C., Sardinha L.B. & Teixeira P.J. (2009). Motivational "spill-over" during weight control: Increased self-determination and exercise intrinsic motivation predict eating self-regulation. Health Psychology, 28(6):709-716.

Palmeira A., Teixeira P., Markland. D., Silva M. N., Branco T., Martins S. , Minderico C. , Barata J., Serpa S., & Sardinha L. (2009). Reciprocal mediated effects of changes in weight and psychological factors, in a behavioral weight loss treatment. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 6:9.

Silva M. N., Vieira P. N., Coutinho S. R., Minderico C. S., Matos M. G., Sardinha L. S., & Teixeira P. J. (2010). Using self-determination theory to promote physical activity and weight control: a randomized controlled trial in women. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 33, 110-122.

Teixeira P. J., Silva M. N., Coutinho S. R., Palmeira A. L., Mata J., Vieira P. N., Carraça E. V., Santos T. C., & Sardinha L. B. (2010). Mediators of weight loss and weight loss maintenance in middle-aged women. Obesity, 18, 725-735.