

Sofia Franco, research assistant at the PANO-SR Research Group, successfully defended (18 val.) her master thesis at the Faculty of Human Kinetics, University of Lisbon. Her research work, devoted to the development of a tool to assess good practices in PA promotion community programs, was developed in close collaboration with the Portuguese National Program for the Promotion of Physical Activity (National Health Directorate). Congratulations, Sofia!

Pedro Teixeira and Eliana Carraça published the chapter entitled "Internal and external predictors of engaging in and adhering to physical activity" co-authored with Joreintje D. Mackenbach, in the American Psychology Association's Handbook of Sport and Exercise Psychology. The authors' manuscript version can be found in the attachment link.

Scott, S. E., Duarte, C., Encantado, J., et al. (2019). The NoHoW protocol: a multicentre 2×2 factorial randomised controlled trial investigating an evidence-based digital toolkit for weight loss maintenance in European adults. BMJ Open, 9(9), e029425. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029425

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 16:26

NoHoW Consortium Meets in Aarhus

The NoHoW team met September 17-18 in Aarhus, Denmark to share recent updates on the NoHoW Toolkit and trial results. Colleagues involved in each phase of the project shared the most recent developments in these areas and project publications were also discussed. Initial NoHoW project results are now available to the team, stay tuned for results!

Pulido, J. J., Sánchez-Oliva, D., Silva, M. N., Palmeira, A. L., & Calvo, T. G. (2019). Development and preliminary validation of the Coach Interpersonal Style Observational System. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 14(4): 174795411985896 DOI:

Preliminary results for the new national campaign for PA promotion 'Follow the Whistle!' are already available and show the impact on COM-B indicators, (i.e., Competence, Opportunity, Motivation, and PA Behaviour).
For more information about the preliminary results of the campaign check infographics attached.

PANO specialists integrated in the National Program for Physical Activity Promotion (Directorate-General for Health) were involved in the development and implementation of brief counselling tools for physical activity promotion at the National Health Care System.
See the video about the 'Follow the Whistle' campaign HERE (4,41 minutes).

Pereira, I., Carraça, E.V. (2015). Contar ou não contar, eis a questão! Associações com a satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas e motivação dos alunos na educação física. Boletim SPEF, 39:13-28.

Tostão, I., Carraça, E.V. (2017). Orientação para a magreza em mulheres: Associações com a motivação e prática de exercício físico. Gymnasium, 2.

Carraça, E.V. (2017). Um modelo motivacional do envolvimento dos jovens nas aulas de educação física. Retos, 31:282-291