

Marta Marques integrates the expert team that have been developed the program mActive, a SMS based program to increase walking minutes per day, and Marlene Silva presented the Portuguese digital tools for the promotion of PA at the national health care system, which was previously considered by WHO as a country case study of good practices.
The mActive program will be further refined based on expert opinion and pilot country experiences. It will reinforce and integrate the Be He@lthy, Be Mobile  WHO initiative, that already has handbooks ready to go in the areas of tobacco cessation, diabetes (prevention & management), cervical cancer, ageing and asthma/COPD. Additional information HERE

Researchers from PANO-SR, Marlene Silva and Pedro Teixeira (current and past director of the National Program for Physical Activity Promotion - Directorate-General of Health) and Catarina Santos Silva (PhD Candidate) were involved in the development and implementation of a national PA promotion campaign. 
"Siga o assobio" results from a partnership between the Directorate-General of Health and the Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth, with the support of the Portuguese Football Federation, and aims to inspire the Portuguese population to adopt physically active lifestyles in their daily routines.
Check the video HERE
More information on the campaign HERE

PANO research group was represented at the 18th ISBNPA Annual Meeting that took place at beautiful city of Prague, from June 4th to 7th. Presentations were diverse in scope of research: a systematic review of psychological correlates of recreational running (Hugo Pereira), a systematic review of the existing weight control registries in europe (Inês Santos), the use of newly developed digital tools for physical activity promotion in the portuguese national health system (Catarina Silva), a discriminant analysis of psychological variables among weight losers from the NoHoW Trial (Jorge Encantado), the framework for new ontologies in behavioural science (Marta Marques), and also the perceptions and behaviours of oncologists regarding physical activity promotion (António Palmeira and Bruno Rodrigues).

Marta Marques was also recognized by ISBNPA with the first ever “One to Watch” award!

Between May 21-24, PANO researchers participated in the 7th Self-Determination Theory Conference in Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands. Taking place only once every 3 years, it is an important event to network with other researchers and experts on this theory.

More information about the event HERE.

Friday, 03 May 2019 09:05

PANO disclosed in SÁBADO magazine

PANO was featured in SÁBADO magazine on a piece regarding healthy lifestyles. Marlene Silva resumed some of the main research findings of the group.

Marlene Silva, PANO researcher and director of the National Program for the Promotion of Physical Activity, was interviewed for the Saúde+ TV program and presented the lines of action of this intervention project of the general health directorate. To see the full interview click HERE.

Supervised by PANOS's junior researchers and in collaboration with the National Program for the Promotion of Physical Activity, students of the Faculdade de Motricidade Humana volunteered to help in the dynamization of the event organized by the Portuguese Cardiology Foundation: May, Month of the Heart.

On May 10 a further "tasting session" of EuroFIT took place. This time the session was presented to a group of participants with diabetes that are integrated into the Sweetfootball follow-up program.

The session was held in a positive environment with high interaction and a good learning climate.

With the support of EASO, the EU H2020 NoHoW Project organised a workshop at the conference that aimed to put together experts on behaviour change and obesity to discuss a series of position statements on behavioural approaches to longer term weight management.

Marta Marques was also involved in a NoHoW symposium: NoHoW EU Project, four-years into the intervention perspective.

Regarding another project, Rui Jorge, PANO's PhD student, presented a poster titled: Pretreatment profiles of 6- and 12-month weight change among women with overweight and obesity involved in a commercial weight management program.

PANO Research Group was represented at the XIII Jornadas da Psicologia, held by Instituto Piaget Almada. In a communication titled "Physical Activity Promotion and Health: From evidence to intervention”, Jorge Encantado highlighted the importance of motivational and self-regulatory determinants for behaviour change to sustain healthier lifestyles. It was a great opportunity to disseminate PANO's research projects among students and professionals!