Initial validation of the Activity Choice Index among overweight women
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Health behavior change: a field just picking up speed. A comment on Ogden (2016)
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Workday sitting time and marital status: Novel pre-treatment predictors of weight loss in overweight and obese men
Morgan P.J., Hollis J.L., Young M.D., Collins C.E., Teixeira P.J. (2016). Workday sitting time and marital status: Novel pre-treatment predictors of weight loss in overweight and obese men. American Journal of Men's Health. DOI 10.1177/1557988316654866.
Implementation intention and planning interventions in health psychology: Recommendations from the Synergy expert group for research and practice
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Does physician communication style impact patient report of decision quality for breast cancer treatment?
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Study protocol of European Fans in Training (EuroFIT): a four-country randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle program for men delivered in elite football clubs
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Construct validation of the Portuguese version of the Restraint Scale
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Weight control behaviors of highly successful weight loss maintainers
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Prevalence of personal weight control attempts in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Santos I., Sniehotta, F.F., Marques M.M., Carraça E.V., Teixeira P.J. (2016). Prevalence of personal weight control attempts in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews, 18(1):32-50. DOI 10.1111/obr.12466
Efficient Allocation of Public Health and Behavior Change Resources: The “Difficulty by Motivation” Matrix
Resnicow K., Teixeira P.J. & Williams G.C. (2017). Efficient Allocation of Public Health and Behavior Change Resources: The “Difficulty by Motivation” Matrix. American Journal of Public Health, 107(1):55-57(Editorial). DOI:10.2105/AJPH.2016.303526.