PANO Research Group was massively represented at the 22nd Portuguese Congress on Obesity (SPEO), in Lisbon. António Palmeira, Inês Santos, Jorge Encantado and Catarina Luís organised a Symposium on behalf of the NoHoW Consortium, where last years' efforts conducting a Randomised Controlled Trial using Digital Tools for supporting weight-loss maintenance were presented. Additionally, Inês Santos participated in a Symposium, organised by the SPEO’ Special Interest Group in Nutrition, on the nutritional intervention in non-surgical obese individuals; Marlene Silva presented the subject of "Obesity and Social Stigma" and was also involved in the Symposium dedicated to the Portuguese National Program for the Promotion of Physical Activity (PNPAF-DGS). Eliana Carraça also participated in a Symposium dedicated to Psychology with a presentation entitled "Treatment Predictors: clues to the intervention".